Viola the Fox Brooch

I decided at the end of last year I would have a go at making brooch versions of my critters. I thought if you can afford, or don’t want such a large toy then a little accessory of one might be the answer. Plus I liked the idea of wearing one of my critters myself 🙂 Since I started up my business, and went full time on it in September Viola the Fox has been my most popular product, so she seemed like the logical choice to make in to a brooch.

Viola broochSONY DSC

Her tail was a bit tricky, as I didn’t want to make her too long, plus making legs and ears so small was a challenge as my knitted and felted fabric is pretty thick. But overall I’m pretty pleased with her. She is now for sale in my online shop for £17 and will soon be part of a giveaway I will be launching in the coming month or so. Currently she is only available in the grey/blue colour way, but I may introduce more colour ways in the coming year. What do you think? Do you like her? What other critters would you like to see in brooch form?

New Year, New Blog

So it is now 2013! How time flies. As it is a new year, I have decided to start blogging more, and in a new blog. I will document my new collections, designs, commissions, how to projects, giveaways and lots more!

I am back in the studio now after a much needed break and I’m looking forward to designing some new products and hopefully finding new stockists.

If you want completely up to date info on whats going on in my design world you can check out my facebook page: follow me on twitter: @vic_knits and if you want to buy any products you can have a look in my online shop: If you are interested in commissioning me you can also contact me via email:

I best go and start creating new critters and cushions 🙂 
